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Strawberry Chocolate Smoothie

By June 25, 2011August 11th, 2011Recipes
Strawberry Chocolate  Smoothie
I have this smoothie in the morning or as a lunch in the afternoon especially if I am in a hurry.  The chocolate satisfies my cravings for sweets.  When I eat this, it is so creamy I don’t even want ice cream!
Here are some great healthy facts about this smoothie.  It taste’s so delicious and  decadent you can hardly believe it is good for you.
Strawberry Chocolate Smoothie
½ lb  strawberries (organic is best)
1/2  cup almond or hemp milk (Pacific Organic is a good brand or make your own)
2 TB raw cacao powder
1 banana cut into pieces (frozen is best )
1 tsp organic vanilla extract
2 TB agave nectar or  ½ tsp powdered leaf stevia
Put all ingredients into the blender except sweetener.  Taste add sweetener if necessary.
Cacao contains the highest concentration of antioxidants of any food in the world. Thirty times as much as green tea and ten times that of blueberries It opens up your heart to feel great because of the magnesium, the number#1 mineral in our heart. Chocolate is the highest of any major western food in magnesium according to David Wolfe author of Superfoods

  • studies are showing in helps in decreasing blood pressure
  • lowers free-radical and oxidation damage in your body
  • Cacao contains the highest concentration of antioxidants of any food in the world. Thirty times as much as green tea and ten times that of blueberries. It opens up your heart to feel great because of the magnesium, the number#1 mineral in our heart. Chocolate is the highest of any major western food in magnesium according to David Wolfe author of Superfoods.
Organic Bananas
Bananas are a potassium powerhouse, which makes you more alert soothes stress, and is the perfect blood pressure food. Our potassium levels plummet when we are stressed. Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates your body’s water balance.

  • contains tryptophan which can act as a mood calming agent, increases serotonin levels (same tryptophan as in Turkey but so much better)
  • one of the highest sources of naturally available vitamin B6 (Vitamin B6 helps the body to make hemoglobin – a crucial ingredient of your blood. Vitamin B6 is also essential for antibody production and to maintain a healthy immune response. It also helps your body maintain proper sugar levels)
  • good source of dietary fiber
Organic Almond Milk
  • A 25g serving of almonds provide 70% of your daily allowance of Vitamin E
  • good amounts of magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron (essential minerals for your body)
  • High in fiber
  • Good source of protein
  • contain several phytochemicals that can reduce risk of heart disease
  • Good source of healthy mono-unsaturated fat
  • High in calcium
  • In Traditional Chinese Medicine, almonds are considered anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, emollient and are also used as a tonic
  • In Ayurvedic medicine almonds are said to nurture self control and calmness of the mind and nerves.
  • Ounce for ounce, strawberries have more Vitamin C than citrus fruit. According to the American Cancer Society, foods rich in Vitamin C may lower the risk of cancers of the gastrointestinal tract.


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