Fall Clean-Up Your Colon Cleanse
Let Go of Physical and Emotional Toxins

The FALL Cleanse is now closed. Get notified when the next cleanse starts by signing up for my weekly email newsletter with recipes and information to eat well, stay healthy and enjoy your wonderful life. CLICK TO get notified 

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Do you feel tired and sluggish as the days get shorter?

Are you suffering from heartburn, indigestion, gas or bloating?

Do you have unwanted pounds you can’t seem to get rid of?

checkAre you telling yourself  “it’s just part of getting older” when you feel tired and achy?

Are you confused about what to eat to stay healthy as the seasons change?

If you answered yes to any of these questions you’ll want to join me for the

Do you realize how important it is to cleanse your INSIDES to look and feel more vibrant on the OUTSIDE?

Yes, I want to feel strong, flexible and energized this Fall…

Sign Me Up


Just as autumn is the season to clean-up the leaves and plants that have been harvested in the spring and summer months, now is the time to focus on two of your major organs of elimination- the lungs and the colon.

By supporting these organs you get rid of anything that has built up during the summer months and renew your immunity for the winter months to come.

You can shed built up debris that is slowing you down, impacting your energy and beauty.

As you improve your health you’ll feel inspired to make good decisions for yourself as you head into the Thanksgiving and Holiday feasts.

By supporting one of your most important organs of elimination and detoxification (colon) you will decrease your internal inflammation and improve your digestion. You will be able to process the extra food you may eat over the holiday so you don’t gain weight.

Shed that tired feeling that comes as the days get dark and cold and regain the motivation to eat the foods that support your body through the brisk months ahead.

Learn how to easily prepare delicious fall foods to nourish yourself with dishes you’ll love even after the cleanse is over.

Removing waste from your colon rebalances your acid/alkaline levels which is so important for maintaining good health.

“Recipes are really tasty and best of all easy to prepare!”

This is my 3rd cleanse with Ingrid and they just keep getting better! Since the liver cleanse in June, I have adopted a daily juicing ritual with mostly green juices (Mmmmm) and was completely raw over the summer. Now that the weather has turned, my body tells me it would prefer some warm food now and then. Yes, I have learned to listen to my body! My habits have radically changed for the better but now and then, I need a little push in the right direction again and this is where Ingrid’s fun, simple and sensible approach comes into play. Her recipes are really tasty and best of all, fast and easy to prepare. It has not even been a year since I stumbled across Eat Well Enjoy Life but the impact has been life changing!    Kirsten Shultz, Germany

Benefits You Will Receive from the Colon Cleanse

* Relief from digestive ailments such as gas, bloating and acid reflux
* Shed some weight so you look fabulous this holiday season
* Feel more joy as your serotonin levels increase
* Reveal healthier, softer and younger looking skin
* Clean out toxins from heavy metals and pesticides that are making you tired
* Reduce allergy symptoms like nasal congestion and chronic coughs
* Boost your immunity so you don’t get so many colds
* Alleviate constipation by getting your body’s waste moving out
* Decrease your inflammation by balancing your pH and blood sugar 
Feel happier and healthier within days

This is the perfect pre-holiday gift for YOU

Whether you have never done a cleanse before or are a seasoned cleanser I am going to reveal my very best secrets and strategies for experiencing a successful Fall Clean-Up Cleanse.   You will get results that will carry you into the future way beyond this week of cleansing. 

Seasonal cleansing is a great tool to keep you on the path toward optimal health.

Colon Cleanse: Mon. Nov 4 – Fri. Nov 8, 2019
Everything is on the computer and phone

Pre-Cleanse Online Information Class:
Friday, November 1 @ Noon, Eastern Time (it will be recorded) 

This is an easy whole foods cleanse to clean-up your colon
which will improve the health of your body, mind and spirit.

Yes, I want to look and feel great this holiday…

Sign Me Up

  $149  $99 Until Oct 31

Do you have questions about the Colon Cleanse?  Check out our FAQ by clicking here

Get rid of toxins that are making you feel tired and heavy!

“ There is no deprivation…” 

“Once again I’ve been gently guided through a week of cleansing.  I explain to my family there is no deprivation… on the contrary there is an abundance of delicious food and all the help making it edible!!!
The daily protocol lays out the step-by-step action and following it for a week or two is simple.  The pre-cleanse discussion is so informative that it clears up any reservation/hesitation…it makes it so so simple…just having great recipes is for me the biggest hurdle to eating well…I already love the food…just needed practical ways to prepare it…and that is what you do, Ingrid!
It seems a healthy body…healthy mind go hand in hand.  It’s a process…step-by-step rearranging the habits, replacing habits, doing better with a daily practice. That’s what these cleanses do for me…they allow me to become focused and purposeful.  I discovered I’m not eating just to stay well and disease free…but because this physical body is a residing place for Being…this body is a delight and a gift for a short time. I was guided to your door…I thank you for all you do.”
Love, Wendy Laing, Washington, IA


What is Included in The 5-Day Nourishing Foods Colon Cleanse

Over 50 Recipes of delicious foods so you can Choose Your Own Cleansing Adventure

If you prefer, there is a Complete Meal Plan, with an EXACT MENU including a shopping list

checkAll the recipes can be made in 30 minutes or less

checkVegan and Paleo option

 A Live 1½ Hour Training Call with information about how to make this cleanse work for you.  You will be able to ask questions LIVE.

 Instructions for Purchase of any recommended supplements (optional).

 Handouts and Videos to guide you through the cleanse.

 Simple yet powerful Transformational Tools to LET GO of stress and feel more joy. 

   A live EFT/Tapping class on Wed. to tap on whatever you need to help you to return to your inherent state of health and balance.

 A Private FB Group to connect you with a community of like-minded people so you don’t feel alone.

 24/7 Online Support from me to answer all your questions throughout your entire 5 days of cleansing. I am your personal health coach all week long.

 Daily Emails from me telling you what to expect to be happening each day and what to do to get the most out of your cleanse.

check Final Class to learn what to do when the cleanse is over to take your health, happiness and weight loss to even greater levels.

Seasonal cleansing is a great tool to recover your vitality.

“He lost over 60 lbs”

“By doing Ingrid’s seasonal cleanses for 1 year, my husband and I have been very successful so far. I reached my weight goal and he lost over 60 lbs and still has more to go but this weeks cleanse should get him back on the road. We’ve been following the sample menu this time which is very easy and the recipes are delicious.”                   Fredi, New York City

 What You Will Learn:

  • Why cleansing is so important for your body
  • How to detox your colon safely as you remove toxins
  • Which foods boost your body’s ability to get lean and reclaim your energy
  • Techniques to amplify your detoxification
  • Powerful mind-body tools that will continue to nurture your well-being for years to come.
  • How to feel nourished and satisfied even after the cleanse is over.

I am ready to shed some weight this fall 

Yes, Sign Me Up

    $149  $99 Until Oct 31

Whether you are attracted to cleansing for weight loss or you just want to look and feel better, I welcome and support you.  You’ll find your needs met with the menu plans, practices, daily guidance, and support.  All this is from the comfort of your home or anywhere there is an internet connection.

Colon Cleanse: Mon. Nov 4 – Fri. Nov 8, 2019
Everything is on the computer and phone 
Pre-Cleanse Online Information Class: Friday, Nov 1 @ Noon, ET (it will be recorded)

Do you have questions about the Colon Cleanse?  Check out our FAQ by clicking here

Hundreds of people have experienced such great results they
love to return each season  

I have kept off the 20 pounds…

Ingrid,  This will be my 5th cleanse with you.  I have kept off  the 20 pounds I have lost over the 4 cleanses last year and I have never felt better.  Thanks for all you do to support good health!  I am a grateful participant looking forward to another healthy and nutritious experience”
Bonnie Gallup.- California

Sign Me Up

$149 $99 Until Oct 31

A little about Ingrid…

Ingrid DeHart is a former Natural Foods Chef and Restaurant Owner, now a Food Blogger, Certified Nutrition Coach and Certified EFT Practitioner.

Ingrid passionately supports women to eat well and love their body, any size, age or weight.  It all came from being an anorexic teenager and healing her own relationship with food and self abuse.  This journey led her to discover the healing power of natural foods and the life-changing tools she needed to love and care for herself.

She shows her clients how small changes in the way they think and what they eat makes big changes in how they feel so they can enjoy their wonderful life.  

As a Professional Natural Foods Chef she teaches her clients how to easily prepare healthy meals that are delicious and satisfying.

She uses the most powerful transformational tools in modern psychology to help her clients reduce cravings and self-doubt while increasing confidence and self-love.  Her gentle approach shows how making small shifts in the way you think and feel transforms your life. Her clients go from feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and stressed to feeling healthy, happy and glowing.  They learn a lifestyle that truly nourishes and sustains them.

Nourishing Foods Cleanse 100% Money Back Guarantee

I stand behind my work. I want you to be happy. I am confident that when you join me, you are going to be thrilled with what you learn.

Enroll in the Nourishing Foods Cleanse, check over all the material, and listen to the live Pre-Cleanse Information Call. If you don’t feel this is right for you just send me a one-line email within 24 hours of the live call asking for your money back and I’ll give you a FULL refund. That’s 100%, back, to you. You have my word on it!


 “I felt almost in a suspended state where everything seemed to come easily.”
“It was interesting to experience that after I set the intention for the cleanse I felt almost in a suspended state where everything seemed to come easily.  Not sure whether to attribute that to the synergy of the group or the intention-a combination of both?  I had no ‘monkey mind’ inner chatter about going about the cleanse, doing the yoga (although I was sore since having not done it for a while), rebounding, body brushing, tongue scraping, daily evening liver massage and castor oil pack, rebounding and daily morning meditation. At lunch break at work, I was able to eat lunch outside everyday in a lovely pastoral setting.  Found I naturally wanted to drink lots of water aside from the cider vinegar and lemon water drinks.   I felt clearer than normal and more in my power.”
Barbera Whitney