Do you know that the food you eat can have a major impact on your emotions?

In my free eCookbook you get:

      • 25 delicious recipes that create the chemistry of happiness in your body
      • Sweet and savory dishes you can make in 10-30 minutes
      • 5 key dietary principles to improve your happiness
      • An explanation of how the foods in each recipe improve your happiness

Scientists are beginning to realize that what you eat has an effect on your happiness.

Americans routinely change what they eat in order to lose weight, control their blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol. Now we know feeding our brain and body following certain key principles makes a difference in our thoughts and feelings.

A study of more than 12,000 Australians published in the American Journal of Public Health in 2016 found that individuals who increased the number of servings of fruits and vegetables they ate were happier and more satisfied with their life than those whose diets remained the same. This is due to the higher content of B vitamins and vitamin C.  But there is more.

This FREE eCookbook is a good place to begin.

You’ll learn how and why specific foods can help you feel happier naturally.

When you eat food that supports good digestion, stable blood sugar levels and balanced hormones, the chemistry created in your body makes you feel happy.

It’s not about any fad diet; it’s about adding in nutrient dense foods that have been proven to support your happiness and improve overall health at the same time.

Before we get to the 25 recipes that will help you feel happy naturally, I want to share something with you.

Even though eating a healthy diet helps us feel happier there is more to the story.  All the kale in the world won’t give us the health and energy we desire if we’re angry, anxious or depressed. Food is important but in order to live a long, healthy, happy life we also need to have kind, compassionate thoughts and emotions toward ourselves and others.

My eCookbook provides recipes to assist you with the food piece of the puzzle.



For the emotional piece, I will be launching the Happiness for Health Group Program in June. It will have powerful tools that are easily integrated into your daily life. The results are eye opening and absolutely effective. You will learn how to use the power of happiness to feel healthy, radiant and full of vitality.

In addition…

It’s not just what we eat, but the attitude that you bring to your food also contributes to

Noticing the pleasure of delicious tasting food satisfies your taste buds and brings you joy.

Do your best to slow down and feel your body when you eat. Notice how the food looks, smells and tastes. See how these recipes make you feel.

Have fun making these Top 25 Happiness For Health Recipes using foods that help you to feel healthier and happier.

Get it now, it’s only going to be available for a short time.