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What is the best grain for your belly?

By September 14, 2011Gluten Free, Grains

Millet it is considered to be one of the least allergenic and most digestible grains available so it is great if you have any stomach issues.
While millet looks and acts like a grain it is really a seed.
It is one of the oldest grains and is mentioned in the bible and was used in those times to make bread  It was prized by the ancient Chinese as early as 2700 BC before they switched over to rice as the dominant grain. It is a significant part of the diet in India, Greece, Africa and Egypt. It grows in the hot dry climates of India and Africa that is not conducive to rice and wheat.
You commonly see it in bird food but is really great for people.  It is inexpensive and packet with nutrients

Additional Characteristics
• gluten free
• high in vitamin B and calcium.
• Can be eaten if you are on a diet to reduce candida because it does not feed pathogenic yeast
• Alkaline, non mucus forming
• can be used as a probiotic because it increases intestinal flora
• easy to digest not acid forming
• helps the body to boost serotonin to improve your mood
• has lots of magnesium to help your heart and reduce migraines
• Phosphorus in millet helps with fat metabolism, body tissue repair and creating energy (phosphorus is an essential component of adenosine triphosphate or ATP, a precursor to energy in your body)
• Since it is metabolized slowly it is good at preventing your blood sugar from spiking while giving you the necessary energy from the carbohydrates.  This help prevent type 2 diabetes
• it is considered to be one of the least allergenic and most digestible grains available and it is a warming grain so will help to heat the body in cold or rainy seasons and climates

If you have trouble digesting grains you can soak millet for 8 – 24 hours prior to preparing it, so that you remove the phytic acid that binds up minerals and enzyme inhibitors that make it difficult to digest.
As with most grains it is best to rinse millet under running water before cooking. Add one part millet to 2 ½ parts water or broth.  Bring to a boil, turn down the heat, cover and simmer for 30 minutes.  The texture will fluffy like rice.  If you want the millet to be creamier stir it frequently, adding a little water to keep it creamy.

The flavor of millet is enhanced by lightly roasting the grains in before cooking; put grains in a dry pan over medium heat, stir constantly for approximately three minutes or until a mild, nutty aroma is detected.  Add water and continue cooking.

It has the “goiterogenic” qualities which limit the thyroid from taking in iodine It is important to note the studies indicate that for those with hypothyroidism a significant guideline would be to consume three servings a day or less of the foods containing goiterogenic compounds.

Check out the recipe for Millet Mash in the next post.

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