Tapping For Better Health

One of the reasons tapping for weight loss is so effective is tapping relieves stress. Tapping on the various acupressure points changes the chemistry in your body from stress mode to relaxation mode. It decreases your cortisol levels “the fat storage hormone” and increases your serotonin levels “the happy hormone”.  

Tapping makes you healthier and happier. When you tap your heart rate decreases, digestion increases, the levels of DHEA increase, which essentially puts your body in rebuilding and repair mode instead of breakdown mode.  

Tapping helps reduce cravings. If you are in the midst of a craving, tapping calms your brain, breaks the circuit of thought or feeling that underlies the craving, which significantly decreases or eliminates the craving.  In addition, tapping on long-standing belief systems and traumatic events helps to heal the deeper issues that are very often the real reasons for emotional eating.

In my coaching, I use Tapping to release limiting beliefs that cause you to feel rebellious, deprived, angry or even afraid as you change your diet and lifestyle.  Once you tap down and release some of the resistance, you get inspired to eat healthy foods and have fun exercising.  This process is easy to do.  It can make a profound change in your habits. Tapping is something that if applied consistently transforms your relationship with food and your body.

Click here to find out more about my 1-on-1 coaching program Tapping for Weight Loss and Radiant Health

If you struggle with weight loss and body confidence, this program offers the solution you’ve been looking for. You will eliminate cravings, feelings of deprivation and self-doubt while increasing motivation and self-confidence.  You’ll begin to feel better physically and emotionally.


What is EFT or Tapping?  

Tapping womanEFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. EFT, often called Tapping, is a stress reducing technique that combines ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology with incredible results.  The way it works is you tap on the Chinese meridian points or acupuncture points to clear energy blocks.  Instead of using needles on these acupuncture points you tap gently on a few points (see diagram) while focusing on some energetic block that might be in your way. EFT disconnects you from the emotional entanglement you have because of a story you are telling yourself and puts you in a position that lets you tell a new story as you move forward. Click on this Video with Nick & Jessica Ortner to find out more. 

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Why I Love Tapping

I discovered Tapping a few years ago when I experienced a series of traumatic events in my life. My marriage and business ended after 35 years.  Life as I knew it was over.  I had to sell my house and start over. I needed a tool to deal with the pain, sadness and anger I was experiencing. This is when I found tapping.   Tapping allowed me to sit with my feelings, to welcome them instead of running away.  I discovered I no longer had to be afraid of my negative feelings, I can experience them with kindness and compassion. As I tapped on my feelings they flowed through me.  I let go of anger and resentment and opened up to acceptance and forgiveness.

As I got deeper into myself with tapping…

I discovered feelings of judgment and disapproval that contributed to me being anorexia as a teenager.   With tapping I have been able to clear away some deep wounds in my psyche.  Who knew all these years later I would finally be ready to heal this?   It is a process. I am on a constant journey to connect to myself on a deeper level.

As I accept myself and all of my feelings, I have a more
loving relationship with myself.  It’s the most important relationship in my life. 

Tapping worked so well for me I became a certified EFT practitioner and I  have seen it work on hundreds of clients.  I wish I knew about tapping when I was a teenager. I am glad I can share this amazing tool with other people to help them feel healthier and happier.

Here are some videos to get you started with EFT/Tapping

EFT Tapping Points click to download image and tapping points


Tapping: I Love My Body and My Body Loves Me

In this video, we tap on one of the most important relationships we have, our relationship with our body.  Tap along to open up to loving your body and knowing your body loves you. This is a very effective tapping for weight loss video.

YouTube video

Tapping to Eat A Healthier Diet

This is a fun video about opening up to being inspired to eat a healthier diet. When you clear away your resistance you will be inspired to eat foods that support your body. It’s a great way to use tapping for weight loss.

YouTube video

Tap Down Your Stress with EFT

YouTube video

Tapping to Reduce Cravings

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