About Ingrid

Hi I’m Ingrid.

We all have stories about how food shapes our lives. I’d love to hear yours!

My journey as a food blogger started as an anorexic teenager. I was so afraid of being fat, I could hardly eat. I lived in fear of my body. Then something wonderful happened. A friend told me I could eat whole natural foods without getting fat. I was delighted; I started eating again. This was wonderful. I became a vegetarian, eating grains, tofu, beans, fruits and vegetables. Immediately I began to have more energy and felt better.

By the time I was 21, I loved natural foods so much that my husband and I opened a vegetarian restaurant called Arnold’s Turtle, in Greenwich Village, NYC. I enjoyed being the owner/chef there for 14 years.

Even though I was better, I still had unhealthy eating habits. Many days, I didn’t eat or drink anything except coffee until dinner. I had cravings and binged often.

I did not have a healthy relationship with food or my body. I had emotional eating problems.
I thought this is just the way it has to be. I let it go on like this for years.

Following the birth of my son, my health took a downturn. My hair started falling out and my energy was very low. Finally, after months of testing, the doctor diagnosed me with an autoimmune disease called Hashimoto’s. I started taking thyroid medication, which helped.

Things remained fairly stable for years, until I had a major life crisis. My husband and I got divorced after 35 years together and we lost our business. I had to sell my house and start over. It was a HUGE trauma for me.

With all the stress, my health suffered.
I had digestive problems, low energy, hair loss and joint pain.
I was living with pain, sadness, anger, betrayal and stress.

What I Did About My Poor Health

What did I do? I stared a new career, I followed my passion for healthy eating, and went to nutrition school. I studied digestive health and how it relates to, and impacts, the rest of the body. I learned how to heal the inflammation in my body.

I learned which foods enable me to maintain my natural weight, enjoy steady energy levels and have a stable mood.
I began eating the exact foods I knew were nourishing and energizing for me. I noticed a radical shift in my health and well being.

I discovered EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), aka tapping. I started tapping daily.
Tapping allowed me to sit with my feelings and accept them. With tapping I was no longer afraid of my negative feelings. Tapping allowed the pain, anger and sorrow to flow through me and release. As the energy shifted I was able to open up to loving and accepting myself on a whole new level. I loved tapping so much I became a Certified EFT Practitioner.

I started meditating regularly.

The goal of meditation is to quiet your mind, enabling you to connect to your true self. In meditation, your body and mind release accumulated stress, fear and confusion ~ you regain your natural state of balance joy and calm. Being in this more relaxed place enabled me to open up to my own brilliance and creativity.

As I got deeper into myself with tapping and meditation I have been able to clear away some deep wounds in my psyche. These are feelings of judgment and unworthiness that contributed to me being anorexia as a teenager. Who knew all these years later I would finally be ready to heal that pain?

For as long as I could remember, I had longed to connect to a deeper spiritual part of myself. Now was my chance.

I began to see my challenges in a whole new way…
What if everything that shows up in our lives is there
to guide us to a higher state of consciousness?

I became a Health Coach and ran seasonal cleanses for 12 years. The people in the program had incredible results, feeling healthier and happier. Now I am a full time blogger, and I only work with a few clients.

About My Passion and Mission

On this blog, I encourage you to shift the way you look at your problems. Instead of looking at your symptoms as a problem, feeling like there is something wrong with you, see it as something that is right with you. Your body is working correctly. Your body’s wisdom is communicating with you. It’s guiding you from where you are now to where you want to be.

It’s my mission to support you to eat nourishing foods that balance hormones, boost metabolism and reduce cravings. I hope this blog will empower you to develop a loving relationship with yourself. It’s the most important relationship you’ll ever have. I teach what I know in my heart and soul and I love it.

The world of nutrition and personal transformation is ever changing. My ideas, thoughts and practices will reflect this as I continue to grow as a food blogger, nutrition expert and spiritual traveler.