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Braised Turnips with Miso

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turnips with misoTurnips are a nutrition-packed but often overlooked fall vegetable. A member of the cruciferous family along with broccoli, cauliflower and kale, they are rich in glucosinolates, compounds believed to have antioxidant properties. Oh, and they taste great!

You should prepare and eat both the turnip root (the bulbous bottom part) and the greens. The bulb is high in vitamin C, while the greens are a good source of vitamins C and K, folate and calcium.

I used organic butter in this recipe.ย  The more I learn about nutrition, I realize butter is not the demon food we have been told.ย  The truth is adding some organic butter to your diet is good for you, unless you have a sensitivity to dairy.ย  You know what else, butter tastes really good.

Here are some reasons butter is a healthy food…

  • Butter is very vitamin rich…
  • Butter helps your body “access” other fat-solubleย vitamins in other food you might be eating (such as vegetables). Without fat in your meals with these other “healthy” foods your body can’t access these fat soluble vitamins!
  • Because it is a saturated fat, it is very heat-stable and is a goodย choice for cooking and sautรฉing…
  • Butter can actually do good things for your cholesterol… raise the HDL and lower the LDL

Braised Turnips with Miso

Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Nut Free, Vegan, Paleo ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ย PRINT RECIPE

Slowly braising turnips with savory miso and a little organic butter gives them a sweet ย flavor and velvety texture. The addition of turnip greens adds a peppery bite. For a mellower flavor, use spinach.

4 servings

6 medium turnips (about 2 pounds) plus 5 cups chopped turnip greens or spinach
2Tb butter, divided ( you can use ghee or coconut butter if you are vegan)
1 large shallot sliced
1/4 tsp Celti sea salt
1 cup chicken broth or vegetable broth, plus more if needed
Pinch of coconut sugar (optional if turnips are bitter)
4 teaspoons white miso

  • Peel turnips and cut in half then into ยฝ inch wedges. If you get the organic totally white turnips from the farmers market you donโ€™t have to peel them.ย  If you get the type with the purple edges peel.
  • Melt 1 tablespoon butter in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the turnips and salt and cook, stirring occasionallyย  3 minutes.ย  Add shallots and cook until turnips are browned in spots and beginning to soften, 5-7 minutes.
  • Add 1 cup broth and coconut sugar; reduce heat to maintain a simmer. Cook, stirring frequently, until the turnips are tender and the liquid is almost completely evaporated, 15 to 20 minutes. (Add up to 1/2 cup more broth if the pan is dry before the turnips are tender.)
  • Meanwhile, mash miso with the remaining 1 tablespoon butter in a small bowl until combined.
  • When the turnips are tender, stir in the turnip greens (or spinach), cover and cook, stirring occasionally, until wilted, 2 to 3 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat. Add the miso-butter and gently stir until the turnips are well coated.

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