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Almond Maca Energy Bars

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Almond Maca EnergyMany people need to snack to maintain their blood sugar. ย When your blood sugar drops too low it puts stress on your body causing it to go into a fight or flight state. ย This is not good for you, especially your adrenal glands. ย Instead of reaching for those acid producing stimulants like coffee and sugar which will only give you a temporary lift and then leave you crashing down, plan ahead and bring homemade energy bars like the one here. ย These energy bars are full of protein, fat and fiber. ย ย A snack like this will support your blood sugar and carry you to the next meal. ย It is vegan, dairy free, gluten free and paleo.

The healthy fats from the nuts and coconut butter will supply you with sustained energy and boost your metabolism. ย Coconut butterย (or oil) contains Medium Chain Fatty Acids which quickly burn as fuel and do not get stored as body fat.ย  Coconut also contains lauric acid which is a substance found only in breast milk and coconut. It is a potent anti-oxidant.

Almonds are the only nut and one of the few proteins that are alkalineย forming.

Brazil nuts contain selenium whichย supports your thyroid. ย One of the major nutritional benefits of selenium is increasing the HDL cholesterol for a healthy heart.

Maca is a Peruvian root superfood that has been treasured for its energy boosting properties for thousands of years.ย ย It is an adaptogen, meaning it adapts to our body. The reason I like maca is it helps support the adrenal glands by increasing energy, vitality and libido. ย You can read my newsletter article about it here.

If you don’t have the maca you can still make these energy bars. ย The maca just adds additional support for your body.

I like to make up a batch of these and keep them in the freeze to have on hand for a quick snack. ย They defrost in minutes and travel quite well (but only if you use the coconut butter)


Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Vegan, Paleo, Raw ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ย PRINT RECIPEย 

Almond Maca Energy Bars

16 servings

1-1/2 cups almonds (soaked 2-4 hours)
ยฝ cup brazil nuts ( soaked 2-4 hours)
1/4 cup ground flax seeds
1/4 cup shredded coconut
1/2 cup tahini (but you could also use almond butter or sunflower butter)
a couple pinches of ย Celtic sea salt
1/2 cup coconut butter (you can use coconut oil but they will be softer at room temperature)
1/4 cup dates
1 Tb maca
1 Tb vanilla extract
4-6 drops stevia extract (put some drops in, mix and taste)

  • Drain nuts and dry on a kitchen towel.
  • Pulse nuts, ground flaxseeds, coconut, nut butter and salt in a food processor until coarsely ground
  • Gently melt the coconut butter in a bowl placed in heated water.
  • Add the coconut butter along with the rest of the ingredients to the food processor. Pulse to create a coarse pasty mixture.
  • Taste to adjust flavor.
  • Press mixture in an 8×8 glass baking dish.
  • Chill in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  • Cut into 16 squares.

Enjoy 1 or 2 as an afternoon pick me up or night cap to keep your blood sugar stable through the night.ย Store in refrigerator or freezer.

A few more thingsโ€ฆ

  • You can add ยฝ cup cacao nibs but not if you are planning to eat them at night as the cacao has a little caffeine.
  • Instead of the brazil nuts you can use walnuts.ย  I like the brazil nuts for the selenium.
  • If you want them to be chocolate flavored add ยผ cup of raw cacao powder.
  • Switch the dates to either dried cherries or goji berries, this will make the bars less sweet.


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  1. Hello Ingrid DeHart, I was wondering what is maca? I’d like to make your recipes but I don’t know what some of the things are!!

    Thank you!!


    1. Hi Lucie
      I am glad you asked. Here is a link to read about Maca https://eatwellenjoylife.com/maca-a-super-food/. You can always put the ingredient you are unfamiliar with into the search bar on the website to find out more about it or post a question. I love hearing from you. This recipe can be made with or without maca, the maca gives it more nutrients. Let me know how it comes out. Much love, Ingrid