Is Soy good for you?

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We have been told to reduce our intake of meat and due to the great marketing efforts of the soy industry many people turn to soy to replace the protein.ย  Now there is some new scientific studies which show soy may not be the โ€œhealth foodโ€™ we originally thought.

Most of the soy we eat in America is processed and not fermented. In Asia, soy is fermented to eliminate the anti-nutrients and soy toxins found in raw soy-beans. It is eaten only in small amounts in the form of tempeh, miso and soy sauce and a little tofu. Asians only eat 2 teaspoons of soy a day, usually as a condiment, and it is usually fermented!ย  The tofu they eat in Japan is significantly more cultured with a much stronger taste than it is here in the states

According to dr Kaayla Daniel, author of The Whole Soy Story ” Today’s high-tech processing methods not only fail to remove the anti-nutrients and toxins that are naturally present in soy beans but leave toxic and carcinogenic residues created by the high temperatures, high pressure, alkali and acid baths and petroleum solvents”

Block Protein Absorption

We eat soy in an attempt to get more protein but unfermented soy contains enzyme inhibitors, which block protein absorption. Soy is rich in trypsin inhibitors. Trypsin is a digestive enzyme we need to properly digest protein. Without enough trypsin, youโ€™ll experience many digestive problems including stomach cramps, diarrhea, and bleeding.

Contains Anti-Nutrients

Many plants are protected by toxic anti-nutrients to ward off insects and animals that might otherwise eat them. Unlike beans the anti-nutrients in soy donโ€™t wash off or cook off. One of type of anti-nutrients is called the phytates. Phytates bind to minerals like zinc, calcium, magnesium, iron and copper, and may strip them from the body, resulting in mineral deficiencies.

Creates Mucus

Soy also is the most mucus-forming plant food on the planet. The form of mucus it creates is called mucoid matter – not to be confused with mucus mebrane. This mucus is a sticky, sludge ike substance that holds up the body’s flow and productivity. It accumulates and creates respiratory distress in asthmatics, creates common digestive problems like IBS and by slowing down the body’s digestion and circulation systems, ultimately triggers weight gain and premature aging.

Contains Excess Estogens

Soy is higher in phytoestrogens than just about any other food source. Phytoestrogens are plant-based estrogens that mimic estrogen in our bodies. Excess estrogen is shown to increase the risk of breast cancer endometriosis, uterine fibroids, infertility, and low libido. n 1992, the Swiss health service estimated that 100 grams of soy protein, which equals about 4 protein shakes, provided the estrogenic equivalent of a birth control pill

Suppresses Thyroid Function

Soy is goitrogenic. Soy will destroy your thyroid. Many foods are goitrogenic (thyroid suppressing), but soy is king of them all. Goitrogens work by preventing your thyroid from getting the necessary amount of iodine.

Genetically Modified

Almost all the soy grown in the US is genetically modified. It can be very difficult to get non GMO soy in the West. In addition the soy crop grown in the US contains the highest levels of poisonous pesticides. No wonder soy is among the 8 most common food allergens. That should convince you to avoid it.

In conclusion I recommend limiting your soy intake Avoid or reduce soy milk, soy cheese and other processed soy foods. Even the promoters of soy encourage moderation and advise that soy not be the major source of protein in oneโ€™s diet.

I do recommend eating fermented soy. Soy must be fermented in order to be digestible to humans. Fermentation takes care of many of the dangers of soy. So when you eat soy stick to fermented soy products like miso, tempeh, natto, or a naturally fermented soy sauce (tamari). These are beneficial to you your health.


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  1. Why do you explain why soy is bad for us, which I agree with from experience, then include recipes with edamame in it, which is soy?

    1. Hi Joanne
      This is a very good question. Edamame is an unprocessed product, it is a whole food which is better than processed soy. It does contains some antinutrients, toxins and phytoestrogens but cooking reduces them. I don’t recommed eating edamame raw or in large quantities but a little once in awhile is fine. This is how most Japanese people enjoy edamame, in small quantities. If you don’t want to use edamame in the black bean burgers you could substitute peas or lima beans.

  2. This is such a wake up call for me! I experienced some of these symptoms when I switched to soya milk several years ago, and I could not work out why I was suffering! Having stopped soya milk about five or six months ago, the symptoms have reduced significantly, but I kept on eating products with soya in it, and I have been wondering why I’m not 100% recovered. I’m going to now eliminate soya (except for naturally fermented soya) from my diet and I hope it will make a big difference. One positive from this, is that – in my experience – once you stop having even one element of processed soya, the health improvement is immediate and noticeable.