7 Spices to Improve Digestion and Aid Weight Loss

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digestive systemGood digestion is one of keys to really great health. Unfortunately many people are living with digestive discomfort. The symptoms can be gas, bloating, indigestion, diarrhea or constipation. Since these symptoms are minor many people accept them as normal. The truth is these symptoms are a message from your body indicating your digestion needs support. If you have any of these symptoms it is a good idea to check with your doctor to make sure there are no serious problems.

Good digestion provides the nutrients you need for energy to enjoy your life.

If you experience low energy it may be your digestion. Good digestion is also important for maintaining your natural weight.

When food isnโ€™t broken down properly your cells donโ€™t get the nutrients they need. This prevents your organs from functioning optimally causing you to feel fatigued and gain weight. It also leads to cravings since your body needs more nutrients.

Once cleared of any major problems you can improve your digestive strength and efficiency using certain spices in your food.

SpicesThere are 7 spices I recommend cooking with regularly, cumin, coriander, cardamom, turmeric, black pepper, ginger and fennel,. These spices give your food an upgrade in two ways. First you get the extra flavor enhancement and complexity that makes food more enjoyable. Second they contain unique medicinal properties to boost your digestive strength.

These spices support the bodyโ€™s natural ability to digest. Studies show they improve fat and sugar metabolism, They do this by increasing the production of the digestive enzymes we need to digest protein and starches. They amp up bile acid flow needed to break down fats.

Seven Spices For Digestion & Weight Loss


1. Cumin

Cumin is perhaps the most powerful digestive spice. It boosts digestion and reduces gas and bloating. It improves energy and helps balance blood sugar. It cools the digestive system making it good for acid reflux. Cumin supports the proliferation of good microbes as well as detoxification of the intestinal tract. It has a strong taste and blends well with the other digestive spices. It is commonly used in Mexican, Spanish, Middle Eastern and Indian cuisine.


2. Coriander Seed

Coriander is the most cooling of the digestive spices. Therefore it is used effectively for occasional heartburn. It is a natural carminative which means it prevents or relieves gas from the intestinal tract. It is commonly used in Indian cuisine.


3. Cardamom

ย Cardamom is a member of the ginger family with a sweet, spicy, aromatic flavor that makes foods easier to digest. It reduces the extreme acidity of many foods. It is especially good at neutralizing the stimulating effects of caffeine.ย ย  When cooked in your food it reduces excess mucus, gas and bloating in the stomach and small intestine. It is a thermogenic herb that helps boost your metabolism and may boost your body’s ability to burn fat. It is the taste most recognizable in a cup of Indian chai tea,

Buyย cardamomย pods instead of groundย cardamomย whenever possible. The whole spice stays potent for a year (or longer) and the seeds nestled inside the pods can be ground quickly with a mortar and pestle or spice grinder. Groundย cardamom, by contrast, loses its flavor rapidly.


4. Turmeric

Turmeric is the bright yellow spice commonly found in curry. It has been called theย โ€œKing of Spicesโ€. ย  Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric is a powerful medicine that has long been used in Chinese and Indian systems of medicine as an anti-inflammatory agent. Turmeric calms the upper digestive system by getting rid of gas. Turmeric increases absorption in the intestines and promotes good intestinal flora.

A study conducted by the American Diabetes Association tested turmeric on subjects with pre-diabetes. They found during the nine-month research, turmeric had aย 100% success rate in preventing type-2 diabetes, compared to a control group who received a placebo.

Addingย black pepperย toย turmericย enhancesย curcumin’sย bioavailability.


5. Black Pepper

Black pepper is remarkably beneficial for digestion because it stimulates the whole digestive system, from the salivary glands in the mouth to the large intestine. It promotes secretion of digestive juices like acids and bile into the stomach to facilitate digestion. Black pepper can be safely used as a spice for food for people who are on a bland dietย or are otherwise forbidden to have chilies.

Black pepper contains a substance called piperine, which not only gives it its pungent flavor but also blocks the formation of new fat cells. Black pepper also enhances the bioavailability of just about all other foodsย especially turmeric.


6. Ginger

In Ayurveda, ginger is called the universal spice. It soothes and relaxes your intestinal tract. It supports healthy microbes, a healthy intestinal wall, and acts as a digestive stimulant for nutrient assimilation. It is healing for the upper digestion with its pungent taste, but cooling and soothing for the lower digestion as a result of its sweet after taste.

Ginger helps boost metabolism and can be an appetite suppressant, helpful for weight management. I drink ginger tea throughout the day all winter long.


7. Fennel

Fennel seeds are excellent to reduce cramping in the stomach. They help relax the smooth muscles of the digestive system, which stimulates bile flow and reduces gas, cramping or nausea. Not only does it combat gas and bloating in the digestive tract, it is one of Ayurvedaโ€™s favorite lymph movers. As a lymph mover it supports healthy lactation and radiant skin on both the inside and outside.

Chew a few fennel seeds after your meal to improve your digestion

Additional spices to aid weight loss are cinnamon, cayenne and mustard.

As you prepare your holiday meals, spice them up for excellent flavor and better digestion.

Let me know if eating these spices helps your digestion.

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