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7 Steps to Balance Your pH Fast

By September 26, 2014June 20th, 2024Nutritional Information

I have been working on the Nourishing Foods Fall Cleanse. In this cleanse we are going to be cleansing our colon and bringing our pH back into balance. I have been testing my pH levels every day for a few weeks to see what makes me acidic and what brings me back into balance.

With this information I have been able to design this cleanse to clean out the acidic toxins that tend to build up in your system. Once you remove these toxins you are less acidic and digest better.

Since your body’s pH is key to optimal health, nourishing your body with certain foods will create an alkaline environment that will improve your energy and digestion. Revitalizing your body chemistry will allow you to lose extra pounds, reduce aches and pains and boost your immune system for the cold months ahead.

I want to share some of this information with you today, including my top 7 Steps to Balance Your pH Fast. Back in high school chemistry we learned about pH. The pH scale goes from 0-14 with 7 being neutral. Below 7 is acid and above 7 is alkaline . What does this mean in your day-to-day life?

ph scale Our body works best when we are at a pH of around 7.38 which is basically neutral or slightly alkaline. Some of the foods we eat are acid producing and others are alkaline producing. The reason this is important is what you eat has a dramatic impact on the pH levels in your body. The pH level of our internal fluids affects the function of all of your organs and ultimately your health.

All of your metabolic processes depend on a slightly alkaline environment to function optimally.

When acid-yielding foods lower the body’s pH below 7.38, the kidneys coordinate efforts to buffer that acidity. Bones release calcium and magnesium to reestablish alkalinity, and muscles are broken down to produce ammonia, which is strongly alkaline. By the time this response is all over, the blood is neutralized but your bone minerals are depleted and muscle tissue is broken down. This is not good for your body.

I am going to walk you through the exact steps you can take right now to rapidly get alkaline. If you follow these steps for the next week you are going to feel much better. These steps will make a huge difference to your health, your energy, your vitality, and your immunity. If you are interested in getting a complete protocol, with the exact steps you need to cleanse the toxic acids from your colon and get alkaline in just 5 days please come and join me and the other cleansers on the Fall Nourishing Foods Fall Cleanse Cleanse from October 27-October 31, 2014. You will look and feel great. Once you remove the acidic toxins you will be less likely to gain weight over the holiday even if you eat a little extra. Click Here to for more information and to sign up

water2Step 1 is Keep Hydrated

Research has found that about 90 percent of people are chronically dehydrated which is having a massive impact on your energy, mood, ability to concentrate and hunger levels. Every cell in your body is influenced by the quantity and quality of the water you drink. Commit to drinking 8 glasses of water in the next 24 hours. Then aim to drink half your body ideal weight in ounces of water every day.   This means if your ideal weight is140 lbs drink 70 ounces of water daily. You can make your water alkaline by adding freshly squeezed lemon juice into your water. Every morning juice up 2 – 3 lemons and put it into a small jar to add to your water through the day. Lemons cleanse the digestive system, ignite your metabolism and buffer excess acids. Despite the lemons being acidic in their natural form, lemon water is alkaline forming to the body once it’s consumed. It must be fresh lemons not bottled lemon juice. This simple tool will go a long way toward alkalizing your body. Read the full article on drinking lemons here. To stay hydrated you can also enjoy organic herbal teas. This first step WILL MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE IN YOUR HEALTH

007Step 2 – Add Greens Into Your Diet

Green drinks and green vegetables are the key to staying alkaline . These are high water containing foods, full of vitamins and minerals If you can have a green juice or a green smoothie every day that is going to really help. Also, have a salad every day and have green vegetables at every meal including breakfast if possible. Raw greens have the most amounts of minerals and enzymes so include both raw and cooked greens. If you are transitioning start with 1 green smoothie once a week and one green juice a week. Have a salad every day. Once your body has this food you will feel good and your body will tell you it wants more. You will find yourself enjoying it.

 Step 3 Rebalance

Aim to consume 70% alkaline foods. Click here to get my Acid Alkaline Food Chart. Remember an alkaline diet does not mean you eat only alkaline producing foods. It simply means that you eat 70% of your foods from the alkaline forming group. An alkaline diet consists of whole foods particularly vegetables. You can still eat the foods you love that may be acidic but you must balance them out. What I learned over the last few weeks was if I had a glass of wine, I could rebalance by having more water, a green juice and additional green vegetables the next day. Rebalancing is an important principle

In the Nourishing Foods Fall Cleanse you will get the exact protocol and recipes you need to get alkaline in just 5 days. You will know what to do to rebalance for the rest of your life.

time to eat

Step 4 Eat 3 Hours Before Bedtime Ideally By 7 pm  

I found even when I ate a balanced nourishing diet, if I ate dinner late I my acid levels were higher the next day. This is because we naturally detox every night when we sleep. If you eat late your body has to work on digestion instead of detoxification which results in more acids building up in your system.

walking2 Step 5 Exercise

You need to move. You need some type of exercise to move the lymph fluids through your body. It doesn’t have to be a lot, just 10 minutes of walking or rebounding will make a difference. The lymph fluids are like street sweepers, sweeping up dirt and debris and carrying them out of your tissues. The lymph system does not have an organ like the heart to pump the fluids so you need to move to pump the system. Exercising will make everything else you are doing for you health 100x more effective. There is nothing better for removing acids from your body than a little aerobic exercise and fresh air.

In the Nourishing Foods Fall Cleanse you will learn about a tool you can use daily to stimulate your lymph system.


Step 6 Get More Oxygen Into Your Body

Doing a simple breathing exercise once or twice a day will give your body a huge helping hand in removing excess acids from your bloodstream. Plus it allows you to stop, focus your mind, visualize and relax, which is also reduces stress.

In the Nourishing Foods Fall Cleanse I will share with you a simple yet powerful breathing exercise to remove excess acids from your bloodstream.

Step 7 Be Gentle And Kind To Yourself

Balancing your body is simple when taken slowly. Kindness and compassion for yourself goes a long way in reducing acids that come from stress. Focus on adding in rather than depriving yourself completely and don’t try to be perfect. It is important to still allow yourself some treats and fun. Focus on the 70-30 principle. Take it easy, have a sense of humor and enjoy the process. Keep it simple and if you mess up, don’t beat yourself up! Shake it off and start again. Your life is a long and interesting  journey with many ups and downs, enjoy it with love and understanding.

In the Nourishing Foods Fall Cleanse I will give you a process to allow in more compassion for yourself daily.

I am excited to have you on the cleanse. It is a fun and delicious journey. People email me after every cleanse to tell me how great they feel and how fabulous they look. I promise to hold your hand, to guide you and support you every step of the way

You can find out more information about the cleanse here. 

  Patricia G, New York City says

“The first and easiest thing to report is that I lost 4 pounds and I’ve even lost a pound since we finished the cleanseThat was a nice surprise.  I notice that I feel much lighter, so much that I’m even walking differently.  There’s a bit of sexy in my walk and I’m continuing to slim down.  I swim a few times a week and noticed that I’m gliding more through my strokes post cleanse and have more stamina”    


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