Magnesium The Nutrient to Improve Your Life
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Magnesium The Nutrient to Improve Your Life
Health Benefits of Magnesiumย
Required for more than 300 chemical reactions in the body
Magnesium is the master-key mineral. It is essential for staying healthy and is required for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Multiple health benefits of magnesium include transmission of nerve impulses, body temperature regulation, detoxification, energy production, and the formation of healthy bones and teeth.
Reduces Risk forย Diabetes
Diets low in magnesium are associated with increased insulin levels, and magnesium deficiency is common in diabetics.ย Magnesium helps glucose enter your cells and turn those calories into energy for your body. Helps
Prevent Cardiovascular Diseases
One of the most important benefits of magnesium is that it is associated with lowering the risk of coronary heart disease. Magnesium deficiency increases the risk of abnormal heart rhythms, increasing the risk of a heart attack or complications after a heart attack.
Supports Detoxification
Our body detoxes everyday as part of its normal function. Magnesium plays a role in your body’s detoxification processes. This is important to prevent damage from environmental chemicals, heavy metals and other toxins we are exposed to everyday. Evenย glutathione, your body’s most powerful antioxidant called “the master antioxidant,” requires magnesium for its synthesis.
Regulates High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
Magnesium plays a key role in regulating blood pressure naturally.ย ย ย A number of studies have shown magnesiumย may reduceย blood pressureย in people with highย blood pressureย and help prevent sudden cardiac arrest, heart attack, and stroke.
Helps Prevent Osteoporosis
Eating vegetables high in minerals improves bone density.ย Magnesium deficiency alters calcium metabolism and the hormones that regulate calcium, resulting in osteoporosis. These 2 minerals work together.ย ย Magnesium helps keep calcium in your cells so they can do their job better
Signs You Many Not Be Getting Enough Magnesium
- Loss of appetite
- Headache
- Fatigue and weakness
- Poor digestion
- Blood sugar imbalance
- Poor sleep
- Muscle twitching and or leg cramps
- Short-term memory gaps
- Chest pains
- Painful menstruation for women
- Irregular heartbeat
- Depression
One Of The Best Ways to Get More Magnesium
- Cacao, raw unsweetenedย 499 mg
- Pumpkin seeds ย 535 mg
- Flax seed 422 mg
- Almonds ย 286 mg
- Sunflower seedsย 455mg
- Cashews 273mg
Magnesium Supplements
Most people can keep their levels in the healthy range without resorting to supplements by eating a varied whole foods diet. I recommend a diet of 70% vegetables and 30% protein, good fats and low glycemic carbohydrates.ย Organic foods may have more magnesium since it is dependent on the soil in which it is grown.
If you think you are low in magnesium consider taking a supplement.ย ย Dr. Mark Hymanย recommends 100-200 mg twice a day, one with breakfast and one with dinner.
It is best to get eitherย magnesium glycinateor if you have a tendency toward constipationย magnesium citrate.ย People with kidney disease or severe heart disease should take magnesium only under a doctor’s supervision.ย Some people with severe magnesium deficiency may need more than the amount outlined here, some less. It is always best to check with your doctor.
Vitamin D needs magnesium to be metabolized, so if you are taking Vitamin D be sure you are getting enough magnesium. Pay attention to your calcium and magnesium ratio. New information shows we get enough calcium from food but our diet is too low in magnesium.
Too much calcium with too little magnesium can lead to health problems.ย If you are taking calcium be sure you are getting sufficient magnesium. Check with your doctor. Here is is a recipe with lots of magnesium for you to enjoy! I hope this post makes you a healthier and happy you!