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Sri Lanka Travel Adventure

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Join me here on my adventure to Sri Lanka.

I had so many of the magical experiences on this Sri Lanka travel adventure. Below I am on safari in Uda Walawe National Park where I got to see many elephants in the wild.

Sri Wilpatu Safari Me

The Asian elephants are not as big as the African ones but so magnificent.

Sri Udu Elephant

Below is an elephant orphanage outside the park I visited outside Uda Walawe , where they help abandoned or lost elephants get healthy and put them back into the wild. They are very gentle with the elephants and donโ€™t let the tourist touch them so they remain wild. They were very cute.

Sri Uda Baby Elephant

Here in Kandy we saw beautiful Kandian dancers. One of the dances is to honor the Peacock.

Sri Kandy Dancers

Anuradhapura is a 20 square km site of ancient Buddhist temples and grounds. Below I am standing in front of theย Maha Bodhi, the oldest living tree in the world, which was taken from a branch of the original Bodhi tree that Buddha sat under when he reached enlightenment. It is a central worship and pilgrimage spot within the grounds.ย Many monks and Sri Lankan people come here to connect to their Buddha self.

Sri Maha BodhiSri Anaranapura Priest

I am soaking up all the inspiration from this sacred place and will be putting together a complete photo diary when I get home. The internet is too slow here at the beach to get all the photos to download.

Sri Ingrid Tangale

I will see you back here soon.

Lots of love, and thank you again for journeying with me! Travel is so good for the soul :).



P.S. The Tapping World Summit started Monday. It is free to listen to each interview and tap along for 24 hours. Donโ€™t miss this life-changing event. Click below to access all the tapping, you will be amazed at the transformation you can experience.


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One Comment

  1. Wow!! I absolutely loved looking at all the pictures and taking this journey with you, Ingrid. This must have been an incredible experience.. one I would like to have in my life. Thank you for sharing your feelings, the beautiful surroundings, the people, the food, the landscape, the animals…. so beautiful!