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My Best Recipes of 2016

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As 2016 ends I want to say “THANK YOU for being part of this community. I love this journey we are on together.”

It has been my pleasure to guide thousands of readers all year long to the foods and practices that bring them more nourishment and satisfaction.

My biggest take away this year is noticing my relationship to the present moment.

When find myself resisting what is, I ask…

Am I creating suffering by trying to get away from the present moment? ย Am I arguing with what is, making the present moment into an enemy?


Am I reducing the present moment as a means to an end because I think the future is going to be better than this?

This yearย I realized in a new way, if my relationship to this moment is dysfunctionalย the future can’t get any better. Life is always happening NOW.

When I become friendly with the present moment no matter what form it takes I begin hear my inner guidance. ย My challenges can take me to a higher state of awareness.ย When I welcome my challenges with curiosity I begin to get a greater understanding of who I am.

I am not saying this is easy, not for me at least, but I can see the shift in my energy when I ask myself those 2 questions.

I embrace the journey I am on (however it looks) andย I am looking forward to continuing on this journey with you in 2017.

Best Recipes of 2016

These are the recipes that have gotten the most amount of traffic on my website this year. ย 

COOKING TIP:ย ย  Choose 1 new recipe to make each week. ย If you like it, make it again twice over the next 2 weeks. When you make a recipe 3x you learn it. ย It gets easier, tastes better and you may not have to look at the recipe.

Paleo Blackened SalmonBlackened Salmon

The spices in this Paleo Blackened Salmon create a crispy spicy crust on the outside with a moist, juicy fish on the inside.

Paleo Chocolate Chip CookiesPaleo Chocolate Chip Cookies

Gooey morsels of chocolate and almond buttery dough are baked into a soft and chewy cookie that is gluten free and quite healthy. ย The best chocolate chip cookie I have eaten since I became gluten free. I like them even better because they are healthier.

Coconut Dhal Curry

This easy red lentilย dhal, inspired from my trip to Sri Lanka in 2016,ย is flavored with Indian spices and coconut milk. Incredibly simple, so delicious and really healthy.


Avocado Blueberry PancakesAvocado Blueberry Pancakes

These pancakes are light, fluffy, easy to make and full of enough high quality protein and fat to keep youย satisfiedย all morning. Gluten free, grain free, diary free (but has eggs).


Turmeric Sunflower Seed DressingTurmeric Sunflower Seed Dressing

Turn your salad into a meal with this high protein dressing full of anti-inflammatory turmeric. It can also be used as a dressing for steamed vegetables, turkey burgers or any place you would use mayonnaise.


Mediterranean Cauliflower Crust PizzaMediterranean Cauliflower Crust Pizza

This year I found myself craving pizza, but I didn’t want gluten or even gluten free flour. ย I decided to make a cauliflower crust pizza to satisfy my cravings and still support my health. I top it with Vegan Pesto, fresh tomatoes and goat cheese. Truly delicious.


Chicken Mushroom Zucchini MeatballsChicken Mushroom and Zucchini Meatballs

I made these meatballs last winter on a cold snowy day when I needed some comfort food. The lean ground chicken and chopped veggies make perfect littleย meatballs.ย  Easy to prepare, baked in the oven and highly nutritious.

Let’s have 2017 be a year of great health, wholehearted love and gratitude for the amazing life we are living.

Until next time, have a fantastic day and enjoy the recipes above. ย ย Please leave a comment .ย ย Even if you don’t make the recipe I love hearing what you think about the dish.

Much love,


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  1. Greetings Ingrid! Not only are your recipes amazing, comforting, healthy and delicious, your insights help to remind us that we are capable of so much more in our lives! The insights within the 2 questions above are right on the money! Every moment is a gift from Creation for us TO CREATE – the only question is, What are we creating? If we would only arise to the opportunity to embrace the best within us at every moment, our lives would transform. It isn’t wishful thinking and doesn’t require a magic wand. But it does take courage to honestly acknowledge what we are thinking and feeling in the present moment, and the willingness to replace that with a higher level of thought and feeling. Simple but not always easy! I spent the last 2 years working at it, and at first it was wrenching to let go of feeling ‘justified’ in my anger and self-pity. Now I wonder why did I cling so tightly to my pain??! It seems that was another person who I barely recognize now. So thank you for reminding us all that we are way more powerful to change our lives than we think.

    1. Hi Sunrab, Thank you for your insights and appreciation. I love the idea of reaching for a better feeling thought. It is one of the keys to transformation. It sounds like you have had a major breakthrough and I congratulate you. Yes we are powerful creators. Much love, Ingrid