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Boost Your Immune System Tip #1

By August 10, 2011Mind Body Tools, Recipes

This is the first in a series of videos I am doing with tips on how to boost your immune system to stay healthy and happy.       Try the recipes and let me know how you feel.




Ingrid’s Amazing Green Lemonade

Green juice is a healing elixir! Green juice balances your pH give you vitamins, minerals and enzymes.  Within minutes of drinking your green juice your body gets a boots of energy.  It is best to drink it on an empty stomach and wait 30 minutes before eating anything afterwards.

2 servings
½ bunch organic celery
2 stalks kale
1 organic cucumber (if not organic peel)
1 organic apple (green or Fuji)
1 whole organic lemon with peel
1” fresh ginger (optional)

Put all vegetables through the juicer.

You can keep this in the refrigerator for 2 days in a closed glass container.  It is better to drink it immediately but if that is not possible you will still reap benefits even 2 days later

Berry Green Smoothie
If you do not have a juicer you can still get the enzymes, vitamins and minerals of greens by adding them to a fruit smoothie.  You don’t even taste the greens.
2 serving
1 banana
16 oz strawberries
4-6 leaves kale stems removed torn into small pieces
1 stalk celery cut into 1” pieces
¼-  ½ cup  water or coconut water

Blend banana and strawberries with enough water to facilitate blending.  Add kale and celery blend until smooth. Pour into a glass and enjoy!


One Comment

  • I love your “build your immune system” series…. or, at least the first phase! I love the love and cuddle reference!! I hope your shoulder is feeling better. Can’t wait for the next video — love the beautiful and sacred background — is that your home?

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