Embrace Abundance
Recipe Key
This time of year at the height of summer is a great time to embrace abundance.

Walking through your garden or your local farmerโs market you’ll notice an abundance of fruits and vegetables. You’ll see an abundance of colors, shapes, and scents. An amazing amount of flavors and textures to enjoy.
Abundance gives us the feeling of joy, ease, peace and freedom.
There is abundance everywhere, all we have to do is notice it. Focusing on abundance fills our life with a little more joy.
When we think about things that are abundant in our life we feel uplifted and attract more abundance.

This week take a few minutes each day to notice all the abundance in your life. I love noticing the abundance all around me while on my morning walk.
Instead of focusing on all the “bad” things in the world or what we feel we have to restrict from our diets, letโs find some joy in the abundance of good things in our world and the delicious foods we enjoy.
Here are a few things that give me the feeling of abundance.
I hope they inspire you embrace abundance too! It will soothe your body, and make you healthier.
- Plenty of sunlight every day, no matter what, it’s always there.
- An abundance of food in the farmers markets and supermarkets. Right now there is an abundance of tomatoes, berries, zucchini, watermelon. Such yummy stuff.
- We have so much water we can take baths and showers.
- Lots of water to drink. Lots of water in our oceans, lakes and streams.
- An abundance of fresh air
- There are an abundance of books to read. Just go to your library, there are so many books to choose from.
- I see an abundance of birds flying in the air.
- There are an abundance of trees.
- What about the abundance of information available to us on our phones and computers.
I hope this season inspires you to embrace abundance, it will make you feel so good.