Chia Flax Hemp – Which One is Better?

Recipe Key

In my nutrition coaching practice and my cleanses, I recommend people include chia, flax and hemp in their diet.ย  Most of the smoothies on my blog contain them.ย  I receive a lot of questions asking, “what is the difference and which one is better?”.ย  Even though chia has become the new wonder food in the media, flax and hemp also deserve attention. Today I am going to break down how these seeds compare.

All these powerful seeds contain fiber, omega fatty acids and protein but different types and quantities.

Seed Chart


Fiber comes from plants and is a type of carbohydrate that canโ€™t be broken down and absorbed by your digestive system. Instead it moves through your digestive system absorbing toxins and making your stools soft and easy to release. There are 2 types of fiber, soluble and insoluble. We need them both.

Most plant foods contain both but are usually richer in one type than another.

Soluble fiber is the type that absorbs liquids and forms a gel.ย ย  Insoluble fiber is just bulk. Think about putting chopped kale in a soup, it doesnโ€™t absorb any water, this is insoluble fiber.

Flax and chia are both high in soluble fiber. Soluble fiber attaches to cholesterol particles and traps toxic laden bile escorting them out of your body. Soluble fiber slows the absorption of sugar keeping your blood sugar in balance. Clearly it is important to have lots of soluble fiber in your diet.

chia in waterYou can see the difference when you soak a tablespoon of chia or flax seeds in half a cup of water and let it sit for 30 minutes, the liquids become thick like a gel. You will notice the chia gets much thicker. It turns into a gel like pudding similar to tapioca. Since chia holds onto water it helps your body stay hydrated. It is popular with athletes.

Hemp seeds are not high in fiber, only .03 grams in 1 tablespoon compared to 3 grams in flax and 5 grams in chia. They do not change when soaked in water.

Since chia seeds absorb so much water it is best to soak them for 30 minutes before eating. If added to energy bars, be sure to drink lots of water.

Omega Fatty Acids

Our body needs essential fatty acids for optimal health and well-being. Since our body does not make them we need to consume them regularly.

In order to get the most benefit from omega fatty acids you need a balance between omega-6 and omega-3 fats in your diet 2:1. In general our diets tend to be higher in omega-6 which makes chia and flax so valuable.ย ย  They provide a lot of omega-3 which balances out the omega-6.

flax seedFlax is the number one highest source of plant based omega-3 fats in the form of ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). Chia is almost as high in its omega-3 (ALA) content. These types of fatty acids reduce inflammation, support our brain and help maintain a good mood. ย The amount of Omega-3 ALA is important for two reasons. ALA gets converted to Omega-3 EPA and DHA, which you can’t get from plant sources.

Hemp seeds have the perfect balance of Omega-6 and Omega-3. As a way to balance out your omegas hemp is not as useful as chia or flax. But as a stand alone food, hemp seeds are in perfect balance.

Hemp is High in gamma linolenic acid (GLA), an essential omega-6 fatty acid found in borage oil and egg yolks that has been proven to naturally balance hormones


Proteins are the main building blocks of your body. Proteins are needed to build new cells, maintain tissues, and synthesize newย proteins that make it possible for you to perform basic bodily functions.

hempseedsAll three seeds contain protein but this is where hemp really shines. It has 30%-50% more protein than flax or chia. It is the โ€œperfect vegan proteinโ€ containing all 20 amino acids and each of the 9ย essentialย amino acids that our bodies cannot produce.


Chia seeds are also considered a complete protein because they contain all the essentialย amino acids, while flaxseeds do not.

Nutritional Benefits and Recipes


Recipe: Almond Maca Energy Bars

almond maca photoFlax seeds are rich in lignans, compounds that provide extra protection against many types of cancerโ€”a benefit that chia does not provide. Lignans have been linked to a reduction in menopause symptoms.

Flax is an estrogen metabolizing food that helps keep our estrogen and progesterone in balance. We live in an estrogenic world that can shift our hormones out of balance. Excess estrogens come from factory-raised animal products, skin care and cleaning products containing endocrine disruptors such as the BPAโ€™s and phthalates.

On the negative side, flax seeds contain phytic acid with is an anti-nutrient. It binds to minerals like zinc, copper, iron, calcium and magnesium and never unbinds. It prevents your body from absorbing some of these minerals. This is one of the main reasons to choose either hemp or chia.

Golden flax seeds have a mild nutty flavor.ย  The brown ones have the same nutritional profile and are slightly nuttier. I add ground flax to smoothies or sprinkle it on porridge.ย  They are great in homemade energy bars.


Recipe: ย Raspberry Lemon Chia Puddingย 

Raspberry Lemon Chia PuddingChia, unlike flax is an excellent dairy free source of calcium. There are 233 milligrams of calcium in 3 tablespoons of chia which is close to a cup of milk (299 milligrams).ย ย  We need about 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day. Calcium helps strengthen our bones, cartilage, and keeps stress at bay by lowering cortisol in the body. Chia is a great source of this mineral.

Chia seeds are similar to poppy seeds and almost tasteless. They can be easily added to any beverage or smoothie without altering the taste. I love raspberry and chocolate chia pudding.


Recipe: ย Hemp Milk

Hemp has more digestible protein than meat, whole eggs, cheese or milk. It is rich in Vitamin E. Hemp is hypoallergenic; there are no known allergies to hemp foods. They can be eaten by

Hemp seeds have a similar taste and texture to walnuts, maybe a little grassier.ย  Sprinkle on salad or vegetables or blend them into hemp milk.

Grinding and Storing

Unfortunately flax seeds easily go rancid. The oils in flax seeds go bad when exposed to heat, light or air. They must be kept in the refrigerator.

Chia seeds do not go rancid quickly. The antioxidants in the chia seeds allow them to be stored for months in a dark, cool place.

Flax seeds must be ground in order to get the nutritional benefits. If not ground they go through your system whole. They can easily be ground in a spice grinder but then go rancid even faster.ย ย  It is best to grind them just before using.ย ย  If you buy already ground flax seed be sure they are fresh and have been refrigerated.

Chia seeds can be enjoyed whole or ground. You can grind chia seeds but I find them best eaten whole. I discovered if I blend the chia seeds when making chia pudding it tastes a little bitter but they can be blended into a smoothie without altering the taste.ย ย  Keep chia seeds in a glass storage container with a tight-fitting lid.

Hemp seeds are tiny and donโ€™t need to be ground. They are a stable product when stored properly.ย ย  Thanks to the high levels of naturally occurring vitamin E, oxidation and rancidity are minimal.

It’s best to keep organicย hempย heartsย refrigeratedย in an airtight container. If you purchase a 5-pound bag, consider putting 1 pound of theย hemp seeds in an airtight container in theย refrigeratorย for daily use and freezing the rest. Freezing keeps them fresher.


At your local health food store your will see flax is the cheapest of all 3 seeds usually about $2.75 pound. Chia used to be quite expensive but with high demand the price has come down recently to about $8.50 per pound. Hemp unfortunately is quite expensive. The laws in America prevent us from growing it here, we must import it. It runs about $12-$18 per pound.

In Conclusion

Hemp, chia and flax are all beneficial in different ways.ย  Chia is best for fiber. Hemp is the winner if you want protein.ย  Flax seed is the least expensive and has the highest amount of Omega-3. ย Include them all in your diet.

Until next time, have a fantastic day and I hope this information give you clarity.

Please leave a comment on the blog.ย ย I always love hearing about your health journey and your thoughts and feedback

Much love,

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    1. Hi Theresa,

      It is fine to eat all 3 seeds together. Enjoy them as you like but if you are just starting out don’t eat too many until your body is used to processing lots of fiber.


  1. I had to stop eating my oatmeal due to food sensitivity….I started making my own oatmeal out of organic buckwheat, flax, chia and hemp seed with tablespoon organic raw almond butter with unsweetened almond milk…..yummy ๐Ÿ™‚ Pamela H. Marshall

    1. Can you share the full recipe/amounts of what you use and how you prepare it? It sounds amazing and I’m a big oatmeal girl, but need to cut out all processed foods. Thank you in advance.

      1. Hi, it’s nice to hear you’re cutting out processed foods. You’ll feel healthier and happier. Here is a recipe I use. Give it a try and let me know how you like it.

        Grain Free Hot Cereal

        2 servings

        ยผ cup finely chopped walnuts (or nuts of choice)
        2 tablespoons ground flax seeds
        ยผ cup shredded unsweetened coconut
        1 tablespoon chia seeds
        ยฝ teaspoon cinnamon
        ยฝ teaspoon vanilla extract
        Pinch of Himalayan sea salt
        1 cup almond milk or other nut milk
        1 tablespoon honey, maple syrup or a few drops stevia
        Optional berries and coconut for topping

        โ€ข In a small bowl, mix together the chopped nuts, flax seed meal, unsweetened coconut, chia seeds, cinnamon, vanilla, and salt.
        โ€ข Heat the nut milk until steaming, and then pour over the dry ingredients and stir until completely combined – it will thicken as your stir.
        โ€ข Let sit 2-3 minutes to thicken.
        โ€ข Add sweetener to taste.
        โ€ข Add toppings as desired and enjoy!