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Hemp and Chia Pudding for Breakfast

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Some of my clients like a cerealย type of breakfast to feel satisfied.ย Chia puddingย is a good substitute for cereal which is high in carbohydrates even if it is a natural cereal.ย Satisfaction is so important in our lives. I recommend to ask yourself before you eat “what will satisfy me right” then follow your inner guidance.


  1. CONSTIPATION, ACID REFLUX Chia is good for the digestive system because it is a hydrophilic colloid. ( a watery, gelatinous, glue-like substance which form the underlying elements of all living cells)These hydrophilic colloid properties aid in the digestion of any foods that causeย suffering from a sour stomach. If Chia seeds are part of your regular diet you will begin to tolerate many foods which now cause you discomfort.ย  You get better assimilation of food and better hydration necessary for proper elimination.
  2. PREVENTION OF SUGAR HIGHS & LOWS The gel from Chia that is formed in the stomach creates a physical barrier between carbohydrates and the digestive enzymes that break them down so the conversion of carbohydrates to sugar is slowed down.
  3. WEIGHT LOSS They slow down the absorption of carbs to control the appetite and reduce cravings. They make you feel full because they absorb 10x their weight in water forming a bulky gel.
  4. HYDRATION Many modern day long distance runners use these regularly.ย  Since it can absorb more than 10 times its weight in water it has the ability to prolong hydration. With Chia you retain moisture and regulate the absorption of nutrients and body fluids thus maintaining the electrolyte balance. Fluid and electrolyte imbalances occur most commonly from sweating but also from vomiting, diarrhea and high fever.
  5. MUSCLEย REGENERATIONย for ATHLETES Protein from Chia is absorbed very easily this results in rapid development of tissue and growth and regeneration of tissue.ย  This makes it great for children, adolescents and pregnant women.
  6. HIGH IN OMEGA 3 Unlike flax seed the oils from chia can be stored without going rancid and you do not need to grind them to get at the oilsย  Chia is the richest vegetable source for the essential omega 3 fatty acid. These oils are needed by your body to absorb the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, & K. These fats also prevent against inflammation which causes arthritis and heart disease.ย  These oils are also good for the proper function of ADRENAL and THYROID glands.
  7. HIGH IN CALCIUM Since Chia contains the mineral boron it acts as a catalyst for the absorption and utilization of calcium by the body.

Vanilla Chiaย Pudding

2 servings

6ย Tb raw chia seeds
2 cups hemp milkย (recipe below) or almond milk, organic plain
Stevia or raw honey to taste
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp cinnamon

Optional Ingredients

2 fresh organic berriesย sliced
1 organic apple diced
1 Tb goji berries
1 Tb raw cacao powder

  • Mix the hemp milk with the sweetener, vanilla and cinnamon.
  • Put theย chia seeds into a bowl. Pour the hemp or almond milk over the chia seeds
  • Stir every 5 minutes for the first 15 minutesย so it doesnโ€™t get clumpy.
  • Let sit for at least 2 hours or ย even better overnight in theย refrigerator. ย It will be very thin at the beginning but donโ€™t worry itย will come together. Shortly the chia will thicken the milk to pudding likeย consistency.
  • Add any of the optional ingredients.ย  Enjoy!

For some people chia pudding is an acquired taste. ย  The benefits of chia are worth trying it a few times, try different flavors.

Hemp Milk

2 servings

ยฝ cup hemp seeds
1 ยฝ cup water

  • Put hemp and waterย into a blender
  • Blend for 3 minutes in a vitamix or 5 minutes in a regular blender.
  • Pour into a glass container. ย Store in the refrigerator for 5 days

If you donโ€™t like the little particles strain through a fine strainer or cheese
cloth.ย  It wonโ€™t matter in the chia porridge. ย The particles are really tiny it probably won’t matter but straining is always an option.


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  1. well, I have bought all th eingredients, and have spent a week looking at them,terrified! My son says its good but a bit weird so am waiting till I am at home for some time to experiment. I need soemthing for arthritis too, any ideas???

    1. For arthritis use Capraflex made by Mt Capra products. Accept no substitute. Take it 3x a day on empty stomach at suggested dosage. Worked for severe rheumatoid arthritis, cleared it enough for patient to resume guitar lessons within three weeks. Patient shows no sign of arthritis in the joints at this point 10+ years out from initial dosing. Patient has not used the product in 7-8 years but reports initial results holding. Only problem with rheumatism and fibromyalgia at this point is “rheumatoid rash.” This recommendation is made by therapists, the patient cited above is a myo-therapist! good luck, love and light sj & staff
      btw, reduce or eliminate dairy and meats till condition under control. consume no gmos arthritis is undigested proteins concentrated on joints. digestive enzymes on empty stomach travel via blood to furthest joints of body where they break down joint locked proteins

  2. Hi Ingrid,

    I’m looking forward to trying this recipe. Because you recommended them, I’ve been sprinkling raw unsoaked chia seeds into my usual breakfast, (oatmeal/fiber flakes, with yogurt. Are the raw chia seeds as beneficial as the soaked ones?


    1. Hi Janice,
      It is much better to soak the chia as they absorb water. You don’t want them absorbing water in your digestive system. We are always trying to eat the most water containing foods we can to put water into our body. Instead of the chia sprinkle ground golden flax seeds into your usual breakfast.

      1. Hi Ingrid,

        I soaked the chia seeds in hemp milk and have been eating it for breakfast. It is satisfying to know that I am eating such a nutritious breakfast. I’ve been eating it now for a few days.

        A few questions:

        How many days will it last in the fridge? Does it lose it’s healthy properties over time?

        Can the chia seeds/hemp milk mixture be heated without destroying it’s healthy properties? (i like to have a warm breakfast in the morning.)

        Thanks Ingrid.


        1. Hi Janice,
          You can heat up your Chia Porridge to have an nice warm breakfast. The long chain fatty acids of chia are stable up to 350 degrees. I would eat it soon after heating it rather than putting it back in the refrigerator as it will not hold up as well over time once heated.
