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My Favorite Coffee Alternatives

By August 8, 2014October 6th, 2015Beverages, Nutritional Information, Recipes
Hemp Matcha LatteIn the Nourishing Foods Summer Cleanse this week we are eliminating coffee.  I am not saying coffee is bad but it is acidic and can be inflammatory which is why we are leaving it out.  I am not going to get into the different studies on the good and bad of coffee today that will be for another post.  Today I want to share my best alternatives if you decide you want to change things up a bit.
I used to drink coffee every day for many years.  A few years ago after giving coffee up for my cleanse every season I realized it was better for my body and I didn’t really need it.  Since I still enjoy the comfort of a morning latte, I have found some delicious beverages to replace coffee which taste great and benefit your health.
So if coffee is giving you the jitters or if you want to give up coffee for awhile to improve your health try these beverages.
(Did you know that symptoms such as jitteriness or shakiness after consuming caffeine indicates a lack of liver enzymes in the Phase 1 detox pathway of the liver?) (Source)

Matcha Green Tea

Green tea is a great substitute for coffee since it has caffeine in it. Green tea has many benefits.

matchaHealth Benefits of Green Tea

  • Great for Weight Loss –it boosts your metabolism
  • A Powerful Antioxidant – Matcha green tea has 10 times the antioxidants of a cup of regular green tea, 14 times the antioxidants of blueberries
  • Good for Your Heart – protects against the formation of clots
  • Helps Prevent Cancer – high incatechins which are proven to have cancer fighting properties
  • Increases Your Ability To Focus –it contains caffeine but unlike coffee is both a relaxant and stimulant perfect for focus on work or meditation.
  • Boosts your energy – Matcha green tea has 30mg-40mg of caffeine per cup instead of coffee which has 200 mg.  Along with it’s magical mix of antioxidants it will keep you calm, energized and focused.
My favorite is Matcha Green Tea which is a fine powdered form of shade grown green tea leaves. This means you consume the entire leaf and your body can benefit from all of its nutritional properties. Click here for my favorite everyday brand.

Matcha Green Tea Latte

Hemp Matcha Latte

Click for the recipe

Dandy Blend

Dandy Blend is a powdered coffee substitute made with the extracts of dandelion root, chicory and grains. It is naturally caffeine free and looks like a cup of coffee. It is rich and satisfying! Dandelion root is a traditional detoxifying herb with mild diuretic properties.

  • It is caffeine free, and has no acidity or bitterness.  It is the only herbal coffee substitute in the US that features both the health benefits of dandelion root and the rich, full-bodied flavor, smoothness and texture of real coffee.
  • It is made of water-soluble extracts of roasted roots of dandelion, chicory and beets, and the grains of barley and rye.
  • It contains no gluten. Gluten, which is comprised of proteins that are not water-soluble, is left behind in the grounds to be composted during the extracting process, leaving Dandy Blend gluten-free.
  • It contains over 50 trace minerals in each cup, most of which the bodyuses to help synthesize compounds needed in metabolism.
Dandy blend is available here from Amazon and is available in many health food stores.

Dandy Hazel Nut Latte

Click for the recipe


Hot chocolate made from raw cacao contains a little caffeine which will give you a little boost of energy. The taste of chocolate with some milk or nut milk is very satisfying.  Cacao also happens to be a highly nutritious food with anti-inflammatory properties. Read the full article here

Health Benefits of Cacao

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Helps weight loss
  • Natural anti-depressant
  • High in magnesium – good for your heart
  • Good for your brain
  • Improves circulation

Cacao Maca Latte 

Click for the recipe


A full-flavored tea that can be mixed with any kind of milk and has plenty of flavor to keep you satisfied.. It’s widely available at coffee shops throughout the U.S, Starbucks serves it. The leaves come from the African red bush and it has been drunk in Africa for thousands of years. Some health experts say it has immune-boosting properties.  It does not contain any caffeine.  You can buy it in most supermarkets and health foods stores.

Yerba MatteYerba Matte contains nearly 200 active chemical compounds, including numerous vitamins and minerals, and 15 amino acids. Yerba Mate contains a lot less caffeine than coffee (about half), and does have xanthine’s, theobromine and theophylline. These are stimulants without any side effects like jitters, upset stomach, and stress or anxiety. Yerba Mate is a great substitute for your morning coffee drink, but also a great addition to your daily diet.

My favorite way to prepare Yerba Matte is in a French Coffee Press, it makes me feel like I am drinking coffee.  Brew it to whatever strength you like.

Teeccino  – Caffeine-free Herbal Coffee (tee CHEE no)
is a delicious blend of herbs, teeccinograins, fruits and nuts that are roasted and ground to brew and taste just like coffee. Coffee lovers are attracted to Teeccino’s full-bodied, dark roasted flavor and its nutritious health benefits. Teeccino comes in tea bags but I prefer the loose blend. It also come in flavors, I like the French Roast.  Make it in a coffee maker or French Press.  Click here to buy Teeccino

With all these delicious coffee alternatives you can sit back and relax enjoying your morning beverage.  You may not even miss the coffee!

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