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10 Healthy Halloween Sweets

By October 29, 2015October 30th, 2015Desserts and Sweets

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays.  I love dressing up in costume. Putting on different personas connects us to inner archetypes of  of ourselves.  What  fun to dress up as a princess or witch and experience this inner power.

I have many fabulous halloween memories. Of course we ran around the neighborhood in Queens, NY  where I grew up, collecting as much candy as possible. That was certainly fun.  When I was in my 20’s we would dress up and go down the block from my restaurant, Arnold’s Turtle, in Greenwich Village to watch famous Halloween Parade.  The costumes were spectacular.  Later on we lived in Woodstock, NY. We all came into town in costume with our children to trick or treat at the stores then march in the local Halloween parade.  My son’s friends would sleep over after and enjoy their candy.  Maybe not the most healthy day of their lives but it was fine.  We ate really well most of the time.  Even though my child is grown up I still go to Woodstock with my friends and  dress up for the parade.  I don’t like to eat traditional candy, it throws off my blood sugar and I don’t like the way it makes me feel. Instead I choose healthy Halloween sweets.

Here are some of my favorite healthy Halloween sweets. All gluten free and dairy free, using natural sweeteners (photos are from each persons website).


PaleoPumpkinButterCupsCivilized Caveman’s Pumpkin Butter Cups

This one has many variations to choose from. Use store bought chocholate or homemade. I like it with the Almond Pumpkin Butter, she has pecans in her recipe but you can use almonds. It you have time soak them for a few hours first.


Carrot Cake Muffins
Body Ecology’s Carrot Cake/ Muffins Sweetened with Lakanto

What is Lakanto

LAKANTO® is made from Erythritol, a sugar alcohol made from fermented glucose from certified non-GMO corn and high-purity Monk Fruit (Luo Han Guo) fruit extract. It contains no flavors, colors, preservatives or additives of any kind. Unlike sugar and the other natural sweeteners, Lakanto does not feed the harmful yeast (candida) and bacteria in your body. Lakanto is even safe for diabetics! And Lakanto, the amazing all-natural sweetener, has:

  • Zero calories
  • Zero glycemic index
  • Zero additives
  • No influence on your blood sugar and insulin release
  • A one-to-one ratio with sugar — so it’s easy to measure and use

What’s the difference? Taste. 
Golden has a flavor similar to brown sugar or molasses.
Classic has a flavor more similar to table sugar.
Click here to order Lakanto


healthyapplebites Paleo Grub’s Paleo Apple Bites 

I recommend using Green Black 70% chocolate or Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips

Imitation RolosOh She Glows Healthy “Rolo’s”

This is a good one with only 5 ingredients

How-To-Make-Candied-Nuts-Cinnamon-SugarCinnamon Candied Nuts

Make these with coconut sugar or Lakano

Macadamia nut coconut butter cupsPrimal Palate’s Macadamina Nut Coconut Butter Cups

No chocolate here but yum

Chocolate-Whoopie-with-Pumpkin-Cream-Filling-29861Elana’s Pantry’s Chocolate Whoopie Pies with Pumpkin Filling


almond-joy-bites_plaidandpaleoPlaid and Paleo Almond Joy Bites

Just the right amount of chocolate to go with the coconut.

pumpkinfudge5notitleGluten Free Paleo Pumpkin Pie Fudge

Quick and easy

Chocolate Almond Cups Eat Well Enjoy Life’s Raw Chocolate Almond Mini Cups

One of my favorite recipes. A healthy treat, easy to make and yummy!

Please share one of your favorite Halloween memories or treats.  I always love hearing from you.

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